10 Best Cat Breeds for Kids
Breeds like the Maine coon and ragdoll are patient and playful with children. Browse these ten cat breeds that are great for kids.
Breeds like the Maine coon and ragdoll are patient and playful with children. Browse these ten cat breeds that are great for kids.
From short and stout to large and in charge, cats vary in terms of looks. They're all adorable, but we think these 23 cat breeds are the cutest of all.
The Lykoi cat is a rare, partially hairless cat with a wolf-like appearance. They are an outgoing, friendly breed that loves to meet new people and play, and they are especially loyal to their people.
The Javanese is a semi-longhaired, color-pointed cat of Siamese type. They are related to the Siamese, Colorpoint Shorthair, and Balinese breeds.
Learn about the American Curl cat, including breed characteristics, care, and other helpful information for pet owners.
Most cats are mixed breed domestic cats but how can you be sure they are not purebred? Find out how to determine what breed your cat is.
The Japanese bobtail is recognized for its bunny-like tail and is loved for its friendly, playful personality. Learn about the Japanese bobtail breed.
Elf cats are a new, rare cross between a sphynx and American curl with curly ears and a playful personality.
The Cymric, a long-haired Manx, is one of the world's oldest cat breeds. This tailless cat is friendly and playful. Learn about the Cymric breed.
The bambino cat is a controversial cross between a hairless sphynx and the short-legged munchkin. Learn about the bambino breed.
The Singapura is a small but mighty, playful cat hailing from the streets of Singapore.
The Selkirk Rex is a charming cat with a tousled coat and a loving, laid-back personality. Learn about the Selkirk Rex breed.
Pixie-bob cats, which some believe to be a hybrid of American bobcats and barn cats, may look wild but are easy going, trainable, and playful.
The Brazilian Shorthair cat is a social, playful breed with few known health concerns. Though rare, these cats make excellent family-friendly pets.
Chausie cats are beautiful, wild-looking, loving companions. Consider adding a Chausie to your family.
The rare American wirehair breed has a distinctive wiry coat and quiet, gentle demeanor. Learn about the American wirehair breed.
The playful and social burmilla is one of the newest cat breeds to be officially recognized by the CFA. Learn about burmilla breed.
The Kurilian bobtail is a Russian cat with a wild appearance, unique pom-pom tail, and playful personality. Learn about the Kurilian bobtail breed.
The colorpoint shorthair cat resembles its relative, the Siamese, but it has many more color variations. Learn about the colorpoint shorthair breed.
Learn about the LaPerm cat breed, including its history, care, grooming, and potential health concerns.