Why Do Dogs Lick Furniture?
Dogs may lick furniture out of boredom, because of anxiety, or as a result of a medical condition.
Dogs may lick furniture out of boredom, because of anxiety, or as a result of a medical condition.
Dogs bark as a way to communicate. If a dog is barking excessively, this means something is wrong.
Your dog's nightly bedtime ritual hearkens back to their wild canine ancestors. Learn about why they do it and when it could be a problem.
Learn about deaf puppies, what causes deafness in dogs, and how to train a deaf puppy in this article.
You don't need a lot of special equipment to train a dog, but some items make it easier. Learn which dog training supplies to get for your dog.
Do you have the perfect puppy? Have you considered showing her in a dog show? There's much more to showing than showing up! Here's how to get started.
From grooming to vet visits, training your dog to stand on command is useful. Learn how to quickly teach your dog what to do when you say "stand."
It's a personal choice whether you allow your dog up on furniture. Read more training and management tips on how to keep your dog off the couch.
Puppies like to chase cats, but if your cat is stressed by your pup's pursuit, then you can use these training tips to help your pets live in peace.
Why Almost Any Dog Can Do Agility Training
Cycling with your dog can be a fun way to get some exercise. Here are some things you should know before you start riding your bike with your dog.
Howling at sirens is something that dogs are well known for, but why do some dogs do it while others seem unbothered?
Does your dog have social anxiety? Some dogs experience nervousness and fear in social situations. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
If you give a dog a bone, he might bury it. Why is that? Learn about this burying behavior in dogs and what it means for your pet.
If you have ever seen your dog doing something weird and wondered why, here are some answers to why dogs do some of the things they do.
It’s common for dogs to follow their owners all over. Learn why your dog does this, how to tell if it’s a problem, and how to stop if it needed.
Teaching your dog to lie down on cue is fun and easy. Learn how to train your dog to lie down when asked and stay there until you release it.
Shaking paws is a fun dog trick that most dogs pick up rather quickly Learn how to train your dog to shake in just a few simple steps.
Get information on how to interpret dog growling and how to keep it from escalating to dog aggression.
Training your dog the "leave it" command is a great way to instill self-control. Learn how to teach your dog to not pick things up from the ground.